Monday, June 25, 2007

The drive to Virginia

Our first stop was Aunt Sam's for lunch, in Covington, La where we discovered the wonders of Wii. It was our quest since then to get one for our house. A quest that turned out to be very difficult. Thanks Aunt Sam for that delicious parmesan chicken! Our second stop was in Gulf Shores, AL to stay the night with Granbobbie and Aunt Jennie. We didn't have enough time to bring daddy to the beach or pick blueberries but maybe on the way home. We just loved the fresh blueberry muffins Granbobbie made us for our trip. Thank you!Our third stop was Montgomery, AL for lunch. Mommy had packed a picnic for us and luckily we found a cute little church that had a table and bench under a few trees. And there just happened to be an ice cream shop across the street that seemed to call out to us. Yummy mint chocolate chip ice cream! No Wii's to be found on the route to Atlanta. We eventually made it to our cousin Karla's in Atlanta after getting slightly lost. As she showed us around her neighborhood we saw the lake across the street with lots of ducks and got to swing at the playground. She created a wonderful dinner of roasted red bellpepper pasta with roasted garlic and chicken along with a garden salad with balsamic vinegrette. After dinner we sat on the porch and ate fruit pops (the pics were too dark to post). The next morning Karla took us to a HUGE farmer's market. It was sooo big we ended up staying there for lunch. What a great experience to see and taste so many different things! Thanks Karla for opening up your home to us and letting us enjoy your wonderful porches and gardens. Who could ask for more!!?
We spent the next night just outside of Charlotte, NC and as always stopped at every Best Buy/Circuit City in sight looking for Wii. The next day we stopped at Oxford, VA for lunch and came across George's Family Restaurant. We were pleasantly surprised to find such great food in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. Here's daddy cleaning me up after lunch.

We finally made it Richmond Friday evening just in time for mediteranean chicken with fennel couscous that Aunt Stacey made. Got to get that recipe! Baby Nora is the most adorable baby. She looks so much like her mom and I could just stare at her blue eyes forever. She has such an easy going personality and finds her older sister Charlotte fun to watch. She loved it when Daddy would sing to her. As usual, Saturday the quest continued for Wii
The girls, Charlotte, Nora and Annie
DeeDee and Mimi took us all out to eat Saturday night. I, of course, couldn't stay still (I'm only 1.5 years old you know) so Aunt Kathryn took me outside the restaurant to run around. There was so much food that we had enough dinner for the next night too. Sunday was baby Nora baptism. They had a fountain inside the church that I just kept looking at and saying "wow". Daddy wanted me to stay in his arms while Mommy went with Aunt Stacey, Uncle Chris and Baby Nora to the fountain but I didn't mind I just kept tickling him under his neck as I usually do. Later that afternoon we went to have our pictures taken as a family. I just loved being with my family and I'm so happy to have a picture to remember this time.

Today we begin our trip back to Louisiana. First stop Durham, NC...

The Quest for Wii continues...
We stopped at just about every Best Buy/Circuit City from Gulf Shores to Richmond. Luckily, with the help of Aunt Kathryn and Uncle Chris we finally acquired our very own Wii the day we left Virginia.

Monday, June 18, 2007

between trips...

Since we've been back from Gulf Shores we've been busy getting ready for our next trip to Virginia. GranNanny and GranNana brought some cute flower stools they had used for the Daylily Festival a few weeks ago. They are the perfect size for Annie and she just loves them (so do Duck and Puppy)!
And you thought this was just a plain ol'box. We went to the Buroker's for a fish fry/playdate. Here are the kids (well, the parents) singing. Of course, Annie really got into it once the camera stopped rolling. Thanks John and Karen for a wonderful evening...good food and good company what more could anyone ask for!
Annie making waffles with Granpa for Father's Day.
We leave tomorrow to drive to Virginia. We've been looking forward to this trip for a long time since all of Stephen's family will be there... a rare event. And we get to meet Annie's new cousin and my new godchild, Nora!
So stay tuned for Annie's Virginia adventures...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Fun at Aunt Sam's

We stopped at Aunt Sam's on the way home from Gulf Shores and had an impromptu dip in the pool. Luckily, we had swim diapers and sunscreen handy. Annie loved it as you can see!

Trying on stuffed animal's glasses
Look familiar...?
Aunt Da Gee wearing Granpa's old glasses

Friday, June 8, 2007

More from Gulf Shores

Picking blueberries...don't eat the pink ones!
Making Blueberry Cobbler with Granbobbie
Stirring the grits Blue beach hat
Aubry, Annie and Aunt Sam
Having fun at the beach with Aunt Jennie (Da Gee)


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Trip to Gulf Shores, AL

Playing at Aunt Sam's. Thank you Aunt Sam for my puppy and letting me borrow your sandwich backpack!

At the beach with Granbobbie... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Picking Blueberries with Granbobbie!!!

One for the bucket and one for meMore to come of our trip to Gulf Shores...